(no longer available due to NC regulations)
North Carolina Flounder Gigging
(not available due to NC regulations)

Flounder gigging is a blast for all ages. It’s a never-boring, nighttime adventure that ends with a delicious cooler full of fish! Flounder gigging is done in clear, shallow water. It requires a sandy bottom, and (last but certainly not least) flounder! With all those conditions present for several months each year, North Carolina’s Outer Banks is the perfect place. We flounder gig at night. We employ several gigging methods depending on location and conditions. If the water is shallow, we often flounder gig by wading with the boat in tow.
(I’ll drag the boat along as you walk just a few feet ahead using the big light to spot nearly-hidden flatties.) We use special bright lights to illuminate the water enough to distinguish a sedentary flounder’s outline. If the water is too deep to comfortably wade, we gig from the bow of my skiff. In that scenarito, we use high-powered lights mounted on a custom bracket to the bow. It lights up the bottom of the Pamlico Sound like the noon time! A resting flounder is an easy target with this much light. You’ll be surprised how much fun and how effective flounder gigging really is.
Flounder Gigging Trip
This trip is done at night, but the details tend to change along with many water and weather conditions. Things such as tide, moon phase, water clarity, wind direction, and wind speed all affect the quality of the flounder gigging on the Outer Banks. What’s great about the North Carolina Outer Banks is that there’s always somewhere that will afford us solid gigging. To find out the details, please contact me online or call me anytime at 252-475-0402. You can also check dates and availability online. I’ll be sure to respond at my very first opportunity. I love Outer Banks flounder gigging, and I look forward to gigging some with you soon.
You don’t need a fishing license. I have a recreational blanket license. Save that money, and buy some ice to keep all your flounder extra fresh!
What to bring:
- Camera (with flash)
- Comfortable old pair of wading shoes (Old Sperry Topsiders work great!)
- Bug Spray (Typically you won’t need it but just in case.)
- Cooler With Drinks and Snacks
- Cooler to bring home all your Outer Banks flounder!
- Rain Jacket (even if the weatherman says no rain in forecast)
- A couple towels